Motorcycle Accidents

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Motorcycle riding can be exhilarating, but riders face a much higher risk of injuries than other drivers. Most motorcycle riders exercise a high degree of caution and safety because they understand the severe potential consequences of a mistake or neglect.

Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Portland, Oregon

Visibility is frequently the cause of crashes—motorists often say they didn’t see the motorcycle until it was too late. Due to this fact, and the tendency for motorists to blame motorcycle riders, fault often is highly contested in motorcycle cases. When that happens, it frequently becomes necessary to hire an accident reconstruction engineer to prove what happened.

He didn’t talk in jargon, he made sure I actually understood what was going on so that I could make informed decisions. He was respectful of me, too, he made sure I had the time to think things through, he didn’t pressure me to make complex decisions.

Erin Stoneburner

Rob Kline Can Help You

Rob Kline Personal Injury Attorney

Rob Kline is an experienced local Portland personal injury lawyer available to discuss your injuries and legal rights. Call today or request a confidential free case evaluation to discuss your motorcycle accident.

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